
The vision of Bema Outreach Ministries, Inc. is primarily to glorify the Triune God through the establishing and implementing of a network of interrelated ministries that will function to improve the quality of societal life through evangelism and diversified outreach services.  Trusting that it is the “.........goodness of the Lord that brings men to repentance” (Romans 2:4), we are convinced that it is the mandated task of believers (Ephesians 2:10) to be committed to works that effect good in the lives of others, and that in so doing, we actively demonstrate the reality of our faith (James 2:4) in our God.   We believe that having faith without ensuing works is contradiction (James 2:17), therefore, We serve God by serving man in his various needs through the agency of this ministry by the power and provision of the Holy Ghost.  

Our objective is to work in concert with the institutional Church in the Maryland prison system to make the presence of God tangible through active outreach involvement in all areas of societal need for which our ministry operations are equipped.  

Our goal is to be productive through the cooperative use of our spiritual gifts and talents;  to raise the productivity of others through good example; and to leave a good deposit for the succeeding ministry generation.  

Our commitment is to avail ourselves to God our Father in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18) In the prisons, jails, and nursing homes as He uses us as agents of Hope to the many who despair In dark circumstances beyond their control. We Believe we are sent into these assignments as light (Matthew 5:14, Ephesian 5:8) to dispel the darkness of lost hope. We believe we are called to be life givers (Revelations 3:2) through God's anointing so that ….”men would praise the Lord for His goodness……” (Psalm 107:8).  

The Apostle Paul declared in his epistle to the church at Rome, “For I long to see you,  that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established…..,”  and in like manner the ultimate vision of Bema Outreach Ministries, Inc., is to be an instrument of the importation of the power of God through good works.  

Our ultimate goal is to acquire the essential funds to assist in any way the ex-offenders and/or their immediate family members who have been negatively impacted by the separation period.   Our concerted efforts are centered on providing advocacy to promote personal confidence in the ex-offender and to encourage them to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  

As we visit prisons, nursing homes and places of worship throughout Maryland our all-encompassing objective is to help ex-offenders and those who do not know Jesus in the pardoning of their sins. We present Jesus as He is, through the evidence of gloriously transformed lives and renewed minds.

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